Category: Lap Band

Weight loss surgeons at DuPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware, are reporting dramatic successes treating obese teenagers with bariatric surgeries such as the Lap Band procedure. Patients have lost up to 170 pounds after having the procedure as teens. Though not approved for general use by patients under the age of 18, the Delaware… Continue Reading »

Recent studies show that weight loss may significantly improve one’s sex life, improving various types of sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, and trouble achieving orgasm in both male and female patients. Those struggling with these issues who currently rely on pharmaceutical or medical methods may be able to discontinue these techniques following… Continue Reading »

For some people, trying to conceive can be an unexpected challenge, and improving your chances of conception can become very important. As obesity has long been known to decrease female fertility, having a Lap Band procedure may have a dramatic impact on chances of conception. One of the biggest advantages of the Lap Band procedure… Continue Reading »

Kim Barrows tried everything she could to lose weight, including diet pills, dieticians, even Weight Watchers. Yet the thing that finally helped her to lose more than 150 pounds was a Lap-Band procedure, according to a story in the Times Tribune. This modern treatment is currently one of the most popular weight loss surgeries in… Continue Reading »

While the advanced medical technology of the Lap Band device has produced a dramatic advancement in weight loss surgery, a crucial portion of success is beginning and maintaining healthy habits once the procedure has been completed. To this end, it seems that exercise may actually help reduce food cravings, in addition to the benefits through… Continue Reading »

In a bold new move toward fighting obesity in Australia, the Chief Minister of Canberra has announced that part of a new obesity plan will cover government-sponsored Lap Band procedures, according to a recent article in the Canberra Times. This is a significant departure from the standard government-sponsored healthcare plans, which typically do not cover… Continue Reading »

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